The Strangers is a two-film (soon to be 5) series of slasher films, The latest installment, The Strangers: Chapter 1, is set to be released on May 17th, 2024 with Madelaine Petsch and Froy Gutierrez set to star as a couple who break down in a small town and are terrorised by three masked Strangers from dusk till dawn. The film is set to kick off a trilogy of films expanding the Strangers franchise in new ways.
The Strangers stars Liv Tyler, Scott Speedman, Kip Weeks, Gemma Ward, Laura Margolis, Bailee Madison, Christina Hendricks, Lewis Pullman, Martin Henderson, Madelaine Petsch, Froy Gutierrez, Gabriel Basso, Ema Horvath, and Richard Brake over a rich history of fifteen years.
This wiki will guide you through the franchise and is brought to you by, a fan-website dedicated to the Strangers films.